A Typical Day
A typical day at Turning Point is fast-paced, demanding, and rewarding all at the same time. The daily schedule is designed to bring insight, counseling, challenges, and interaction with teachers, volunteers, staff and other residents. Over the course of the program, each day slowly removes the barriers of past habits and choices allowing for the recovery process to begin and enabling the residents to focus solely on their lives and their relationship with the Lord.
A typical weekday begins with a 6:00 a.m. wake up and 7:00 a.m. breakfast. The residents have an hour for quiet time, cleaning their rooms, and preparing for the day. After breakfast and light chores, classes begin. There are classes each morning from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon, Monday through Friday.
At noon, the residents gather for lunch, devotion, and a time of fellowship. After their lunch, they are assigned afternoon chores that help maintain a sense of structure and discipline. We strive to keep a full schedule that is challenging but not too taxing on all the residents.
Every evening we gather again for dinner and fellowship to wrap up the day’s events. After the meal, the residents are free to attend recovery meetings, relax, or play sports, spending their time as they choose. They have homework and scheduled reading assignments but it is up to each of them as to how they choose to spend their time.
We believe given the right amount of encouragement the residents will begin to start choosing and making better decisions for their life. Again, we believe and strongly encourage the residents in understanding that an active spiritual life is vital to long-term recovery.
In addition to these various recovery meetings and church services, we try to schedule a guest speaker one to two nights a week onsite. The chapel is always open to the residents for prayer, meditation, and praise and worship.
After a long week of both challenging and rewarding classes, we allow Saturday to be the residents’ day. They can take advantage of the gym, basketball, volleyball, Pickleball, Frisbee golf, watching TV or movies, or fishing in one of the fully stocked ponds. Weather permitting; we end many Saturdays with a cookout and more time of fellowship among the residents. After Sunday services, we encourage the residents and their families to enjoy an afternoon of visitation and restoration on the Turning Point grounds.
It is a great joy to watch our God restore the lives of these residents seeking Him and to watch their relationships being restored.